Checking in

from the construction zone. Wow, I had no idea how messy and loud a basement remodel would be!  Now I know why people either move out during construction or find a whole new house instead of adding on.  And this is just the basement!  Whew.

I know I said this was the year of the remodel but I am actually going to look at a couple houses tomorrow.  A house came up for sale right downtown and next door to a friend of mine.

previous property photo picture 1 of 9

previous property photo picture 2 of 9

A Historic home built in 1905 in the heart of downtown.  It’s the same size as the house we are in, so no size gain there.  I will update tomorrow.  The pictures of the interior are very cluttered- they have stuff everywhere!  But I did read in the discription that it has the original claw foot tub.  I am a sucker for claw foot tubs.

I guess now I should mention the game.  Wow, that was hard to watch.  In fact I didn’t watch.  I turned it off half way through it.  I have to say that Troy Smith is the perfect role model- did you see him after the game?  Still upbeat he said, “hey if this is the worst thing that ever happens to us we are doing pretty good”.   So true.

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  1. rachel | 16th Jan 07

    😯 pick THIS one! tell me the scoop – are you going forward w/this one!? LOVE it!!! although i’m sure the remodeling will be worth it too! hugs, rach

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