Middle Road

The other day I saw a cool book link on Ali’s blog.  Right now I have a good stack of books to read but this looks like such a great place to go when you need a little help.  It’s also a great way to chronicle the books you have read and which ones you would share with friends.

Last night I finished reading Nineteen Minutes.  I have  read all of Jodi Picoults books.  Some are better than others but  this one was one of her best.  It’s a haunting tale of a kid that was bullied all his life and ends up shooting up a school Columbine style.  But it also talks about life on the other end. About a girl that was friends with this boy until she started hanging out with the popular crowd.  About how she had to ditch him and start to make fun of him when she joined the “in” group.  It talks about how she often felt like a fraud, how hard it was to keep up with being popular, how one false move and her “friends” would turn on her.  How true is that??  I remember high school, don’t you?  I often look back and wish that I was one of the “neutral” kids, the ones that walked the middle road- friends with everyone.  My husband was one of those kids and I truly believe that is why he so successful in his career.  He plays well with others, everyone.  Because let’s face it, don’t we all know adults who are still trying to fit into the group, at the expense of others?
Fortunately I have finally learned to walk the middle road and I am hoping to teach my children to do the same.

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  1. Clara | 11th Jul 07

    High school will never change…..you will always have the “in” crowd, the geeks, and those whole straddle the middle road. I read that book to, i LOVE it, it’s amazing. I love Jodi Piccoult’s books!

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