Ike blew through the hood

So we never thought Ike would make it this far north but he did and left trees down and 20 people dead, oh and no power. For 8 days.

This is how we ate breakfast

Everyone has tree limbs piled in front

Crazy to see such large trees completely uprooted

There was no rain, just wind.

This tree fell on a car.  One of Austin’s football coaches is a fireman that arrived on the scene.  He said they expected the worst by the looks of the smashed car but the couple got out and walked away.

But all in all it really wasn’t bad.  The weather has been wonderful and the kids did fine without tv and video games.  I went out and bought each kid a giant flashlight and when it got dark, we read in bed with the flashlights.  Losing all the food in the fridge was a pain and even though I tried really hard to do what the fish store told me would help keep our fish alive, we still lost our biggest one.

Friday night a photographer from our local paper came over to take pictures of how a family was dealing with the power outage.  Blake made page two of Saturdays paper.  You can see it here.

Saturday night the power went on but only on the other side of the street.  That is always the worst, when you look out the window and see the lights on at your neighbors house.  So we started prank calling our friends down the street.

“hey do you have a flashlight we can borrow?”  click

“hey do you have the number to AEP?” click- we thought this one was funny because he works for AEP
“got power?” click

Fortunately they are good sports and used to our immaturity, especially when we showed up down at their house later spying in their windows with flashlights.  They let us in.  🙂

Yesterday we went to Kings Island, an amusement park down by Cincy.  Andy’s work had the park for the day so it was perfect to get out of no power house.  On the way home my cell phone rings and Austin’s buddy Matthew comes on the bluetooth to announce that we really needed to get home because we were wasting energy with our house all lit up like a christmas tree.  I would have kissed his little face if I could.  The boys didn’t believe him, so we had to call others on the street to make sure the power really came back on.

Whew.  Lifted the mood of the car that’s for sure.  Especially my Blakey man who was very sad after losing his hat on a roller coaster.

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  1. Jim Woodward | 22nd Sep 08

    We feel your pain. Power came on here at 10 am this morning (Monday) in our 10th day of blackout. We found board games we didn’t know we had and got reacquainted with neighbors (who had power) that we hadn’t kept up with in a while.

    The hurricane itself was pretty scary I’m amazed there weren’t more trees down. We lost a lot of limbs and a whole bunch of fence, but nothing serious. Weather was great the first few days, but Houston heat and humidity returned about last Friday. Pretty steamy.

  2. Andy | 22nd Sep 08

    Jim, I’m just imagining the mass of mosquitoes just waiting to spring to life with all those new puddles around the area. Good luck putting things back together!

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