Sunday Basketball

Sunday afternoons usually consist of shuffling boys to games but yesterday Austin didn’t have lacrosse so he and I went to Blake’s basketball game.

Blake's basketball game

There are no seats in the gym which meant an hour and half of sitting on the hard floor on the sidelines.

Blake's basketball game

We are getting to the point where we are making the kids narrow down their sports. Our kids play sports for fun, for exercise and to learn how to work in a group. If they pick a sport we require them to go, to try their best, but besides that we don’t take it too seriously. I certainly don’t let it interfere with our lives- I want to enjoy this time when they are young, do things as a family, and not spent every weekend at games. As much as I enjoy sports, I am not raising professional athletes.

Blake's basketball game

Still, it’s fun to watch them play.

Blake's basketball game

And have fun with their friends.

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  1. Ginky | 26th Jan 09

    He is such a cute, cute kid!!

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