4 week pictures

Ok, I felt bad that I didn’t post actual 4 week pictures so I shot a couple yesterday. She is hiding the fact that she now has a couple chins 🙂



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  1. Melanie | 20th May 09

    She just gets more beautiful every day. I love that she is staying awake longer because we get to see her eyes:)

  2. Susan/Gramma | 20th May 09

    It’s a girl’s priviledge to hide any body parts she wants. Those of us who love Eva will love all of her, of course!

  3. Kim | 20th May 09

    Those pictures just made my day…how is it she gets more beautiful (just like Melanie said!) every day.

  4. kristen | 20th May 09

    She’s reaching for you!! 🙂

  5. Kodi | 20th May 09

    Wow! she really is growing fast.

  6. Rachel S | 20th May 09

    E~ she is just beyond adorable. WOW! I might have to make you/her a few more pages for her book! heehee I never get to scrap girls! Congrats again…really!

  7. Linda | 21st May 09

    Somebody wants Mama!

  8. kathy | 23rd May 09

    Joey would like to give her a bottle at the beach

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