No love for Gym

I have been going to the same gym for years.  It is our local rec center and I started back when Blake was in classes there and I was pregnant with Cole.  Now Cole takes classes there and it is so easy to hit the gym while he is in class.

This morning I went after a two week break and I just have to say that I have not missed the place at all.  It is seriously time to re-evaluate my choice of work-out facilities.

I love the fact that I have been going there forever, see people I know, everyone knows my kids… but the downside?  it is filled with grumpy old men.    I am not kidding.  On a regular basis, some grumpy guy will say something rude to me or one of my friends.  Everything from bumping into my friend on the track every time he went around because he thought she was too close to his lane, yelling at me when I forgot to put my initials on the board for my elliptical even though there were three others that were open, to the guy today that was running and threw up his hands in the air, gave us a dirty look and said ,”COME ON!” as we were getting off the track and stopped to say hi to a different friend (there was plenty of room for him to go around).  Seriously I could go on and on.


Today when the guy was rude my friend (who is also Eva’s doctor) yelled, “he is ALWAYS such a jerk!”  Only she didn’t say jerk.  She called him something much better.

I just don’t understand why people have to be rude.  It makes me just think think they must live unhappy lives.

She isn’t grumpy

iPhone pics today

Aunt Julie this picture is for you

You didn’t mention how hard it is to have this piece of furniture with a toddler in the house

About The Author



  1. Mikie | 15th Mar 10

    Will you please slow time down? She is getting too grown up looking!! Just too cute. Come join Urban Active!!!

  2. Penny | 15th Mar 10

    look at Eva standing there like a big girl. I can just imagine how interesting that card file is to a little one. All those drawers are right at her eye level!

    Grumpy old men! Sorry you have to endure such nastiness! Glad your friend spoke her mind. I haave a niece who is a constant complainer! Everything that comes out of her mouth is negative. Debby Downer!

    Hope the rest of your day went better. Just looking at Eva would make me smile!

  3. Kodi | 15th Mar 10

    Good Grief…look at her teeth! Seems like just a week ago you could barely seem them coming thru. How quickly things change. I’m with you…so sick of rude, arrogant, selfish people….SERIOUSLY!! I’m almost afraid to drive on the freeway these days because people are so aggresive and rude! Everyone needs to slow down a little and enjoy life!!

  4. Susan | 15th Mar 10

    It’s your gym too. Let him know it (with a smile).

  5. karenr | 15th Mar 10

    Diapers & Jeans – best combo ever! shame on those grumpy people – and enough already – that is just obnoxious. I like to sometimes point out that they probably aren’t headed to the Olympics so they perhaps should chill but I only do this when I am pretty sure they can’t or won’t beat the crap outta me 🙂

  6. kjames | 16th Mar 10

    you know, i’m kicking myself that i renewed another year at the rec center. i’m seriously considering switching to the new one by us, but i will have to wait a YEAR to do it. lame! which means you will have to wait a year b/c you can’t abandon me! we’ll take on the grumpy old men together!!!

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