Terrible Twos?

What about the terrible 16 months?


I know, I know- she looks very sweet. And she is very sweet.

But she is also very stubborn. And likes to get her way, and do bad things.

Like pinch. She is really into pinching right now. And scratching.


This is a face we see a lot- the mini fit.

Her biggest target is the pups. They try to to stay away, she is just so rough.


But then she’s sweet again


And then she spots the other dog….


And off she goes to try to grab and pull hair


I feel like all that comes out of my mouth lately is “NO!”


But she is so cute we all forgive her

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  1. Penny | 7th Sep 10

    i love that headband on Eva. It frames her face beautifuly! She is such a doll. Each stage brings it’s challenges. I always say, about the most challenging, “this too shall pass”!
    What a little love.

  2. Nancy | 7th Sep 10

    My son just turned 2, but has been in the “terrible” stage for about 6 months now. We are dealing with biting and kicking. Good luck to you. If I find the “cure” I will share!

  3. Hannah | 8th Sep 10

    She is SO stinking cute…how could she be terrible in the least little way?? We always tell Sophia, it’s a good thing you ARE cute!

  4. meg duerksen | 8th Sep 10

    annie has always been the same with waffle….so rough.
    thankfully the dogs can handle it.
    and can find decent hiding spots. 🙂

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