Moody Butt

If you have been a long time blog reader you all know by now that I am somewhat of a moody butt. I mean aren’t we all at times? I just put it out there for all the world to see.

At any rate, this year I have surprised even myself with my lack of happiness. I have not been unhappy, just not happy. Obviously the stress of everything we have done this past year has been a huge part of it. The constant worry if we are doing the right thing moving, and then moving back.

And while there are those of us that miss North Carolina big time we are all in complete agreement that it was the right thing to come back. For the smile on Blake’s face alone. Life has an easiness here that it didn’t have there.

But I think that was my problem. I expected to fall right into that easiness. I was so looking forward to that simple life feeling that came with summers on Riley Avenue.

Moving back has been stressful. And not just the obvious part of living in a house that is a total dump, trying to plan the new house, dealing with workers coming and going and meetings with the contractor and architect. Getting everyone settled back into routines and sports and dealing with a girlie that hates change and loves routine and has had to adjust to several homes…. lets just say it has been a bit chaotic. She acts out, and I have not been handling it well.

Eva thrives on routine and attention. I of course just wanted a break after being isolated and alone for the past year in Chapel Hill. These two things just did not add up to anything good.

When some negative words were thrown out about her in public I realized it was time to regroup.

Because I am her biggest advocate. And sometimes I have to learn things the hard way.

There is always a little good to come out of a negative experience and nothing made me happier than to see a brother stand up for his little sister.

And I realized what I needed to do. Instead of trying to escape our rundown yucky house, it was time to embrace the fact that we have a roof over our heads (at least for now- we are gonna remove it soon!!). It’s time to bring it back around to the thing that is most important to me. My family.

All the graduation parties this past weekend made me realize we have three more years left with Austin at home. Three short years.

It’s all a little overwhelming.

So I’m bringing it back in. Refocusing on the things that are most important to me.

Because I don’t want to miss this very special time in our lives by wishing the time away for when our house is done and our lives get back to “normal”. It took me a while to realize I was “checking out”.

And now I am checking back in.

And that my friends makes me happy.

About The Author



  1. Amy Jo | 29th May 13

    I love your blog because of your honesty….and how you “keep it real”! Thank you for that

  2. Tiffany | 29th May 13

    Welcome back my friend. I understand, our year was not as crazy as yours, but I get it. The college thing comes by fast. I remember thinking the same thing about TJ and now high school is just about over….it goes by fast. I remember when the kids were little and old folks would say “enjoy” it goes by fast, I should have listened:) Have a good day!


  3. Hannah | 29th May 13

    Tomorrow is our last day of school. Dmitry will be a sophomore…how did that happen? It goes way too fast. I’m right there with you, you can’t wish away time..because you always get your wish. I lost an entire year, a year I’ll never get back…but we go on. I’m glad I let go of the wall, things got better. Your a good mom. 🙂

  4. Mary | 29th May 13

    HI Elisa-
    I have been reading this blog for a long time and I have sensed the ups and downs of life for you guys. I think you need to give yourself a little credit and love for making the tough decisions you have made for your family. Good for you for realizing that the happiness you are trying to build in Ohio won’t come overnight, and good for you for keeping on keeping on~ We all know in our hearts (mostly 🙂 what we need to do for our kids (both little and big) and while it is exhausting and at times, soul sucking, we have to keep trying.
    I guess my point is: Love yourself and what you are trying to accomplish. You are clearly not afraid of hard work! Way to model resilience for your family!

  5. Gretchen P | 29th May 13

    Give yourself some credit!! You guys have made some major decisions in the last year and a half. You are allowed to have the pity party! Good for you in knowing it was happening, and trying to do something about it. You and Andy are amazing parents, your children prove that. Everything will fall into place, once day at a time. Enjoy the summer with the boys and Miss E. It may be just what you need!! you have great friends to help pick you up, don’t be afraid to ask them!!

  6. lisa | 29th May 13

    i have been reading your blogs for awhile now…listen as a mom as all go thru the BLAHS>>..but lady for everything you have gone thru int he last yr or so moves,etc you rock! i would have lost it a long time ago..chin up it only gets better

  7. Sarah (SophieBugsMom) | 29th May 13

    Hang in there… you have had a lot of change. I have not had too much change and have felt guilty about putting happiness and living in the “now” on hold for the perpetual “when”… i.e. holidays will be better when/if I ever remarry and we have a real family, when the kids get bigger we will do more, etc. It is all mommy guilt!

    Kudos to you for recognizing the check out! You realized it a heck of a lot sooner that I have! My big kids are both college age now and then I have my Bug, who is finishing second grade already… gulp! The time is flying and I am missing the action!

    Get Nicole and Pat to commit to a football game at UK this fall and come with them! Bring your little firecracker with you… I think she and Sophie would love each other!

  8. Sadie | 30th May 13

    I love your blog, I check it on a daily basis. I say this in a good way, knock it off! Do you realise how BLESSED you are?! You had a gorgeous house, moved into an even MORE gorgeous house, moved *again* and bought ANOTHER house and you have the money to fix it up and build a ‘dream house’ for you and your family. All while being a stay at home mom and enjoying every minute of your kids’ lives!

    Stop not being happy! You have so much more than most of the people in this country!

    I love your blog, love the pictures but I find it really hard to relate when you have SO MUCH but complain all the time.

  9. Gina | 30th May 13

    I can see how it would take a toll on you and your family. I’m sorry something hurtful was said. Sometimes people just truly don’t understand. 🙁 Have you read the book “One Thousand Gifts?” I highly recommend it for cultivating gratitude. I know it made a big difference in my life!! 🙂

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