Why we keep 911 on speed dial

Blake and Cole came up with some crazy idea using a rope and hooking it to a nearby tree to get more height when they swing.

Austin and friends always take things to the next level.

I think I am going to have them sign waivers every time they come over.

Looks like fun, no?

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  1. Tiffany | 26th Aug 13

    My boys would think you were the coolest Mom ever….I would have said NOOOOOO WAy!!!!!

    You rock:)


  2. Ginky John | 26th Aug 13

    Where are their parents!!!!!!
    A waiver would not protect your assets in this case.

  3. e | 26th Aug 13

    Yeah well they don’t exactly ask first. And I wish I could say this is the worst thing I have seen them try, but it’s not. My two boys are too tall to do it, their legs drag the ground.

  4. e | 26th Aug 13

    Their parents know.

    It’s not as crazy as it looks- the swing goes really high, even Eva swings on it, just not like this.

  5. Susan/Gramma | 26th Aug 13

    I’m with John – this makes me really nervous! Fun is okay but I wonder about this….

  6. Mikie McGill | 26th Aug 13

    Liam loved it, Elisa!! I know it looks way worse than it was….I am a scaredy cat, and I can tell you I was totally fine with it!! I love that they stood around, talked about it and came up with a plan! I wished you had posted the earlier shots where they were slowly testing it out before the higher swinging!

  7. Hannah | 26th Aug 13

    That is SO Cool! It looks like something my brothers would have done when they were younger…if I told you the stories from those two, you wouldn’t believe me.

  8. Amy st Pierre | 26th Aug 13

    I love the problem solving they do when they create their games. Like with their death racing, they figured out the protective gear, who should be spotting! And they are being active outside using their imaginations. Clay loves his friends & all the games they play! At least they are doing it at our homes where can monitor to some degree!

  9. sara | 30th Aug 13

    I love to see kids outside, using their imaginations, and actually talking to each other. These days too many hours are spent inside, on cell phones, on computers or video games. We have taught our kids to be scared of everything.

    Way to go on letting them be kids!!

  10. gayle | 30th Aug 13

    I love the way these “big” boys still create and play. Good healthy fun.

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