An ordinary weekday night

We used to take lots of trips down the street to the river


These days I feel we are so consumed with getting our house back together


I tried to explain to someone the other day about how once you get done with your house there is still a weird time when you are numb and you just don’t want to unpack or think about your house.


That’s kinda where I am right now. I am waiting for it to pass


I know it will. Just giving myself time.


I look at the boxes that I have packed and unpacked 5 times over the last three years and I just can’t do it right now. I will wear the same thing over and over.


And now we round out the end of yet another school year I have been thinking a lot about the days to come.


This Spring was crazy town with my 3 boys and their sports. Especially the older two. It wasn’t all that enjoyable.


I am craving a slower paced life. I hated the non-stop every night we had this Spring.


I can tell you first hand that the years with my kiddos have flown


If I could let my olders graduate from their comfort school I would totally pick up my youngers that love traveling and meeting new people and settle on some east coast beach island.


I think of slower days, that are not consumed by non-stop academics and sports. Especially sports. Because heres the thing- how many people that you know went on to be pro athletes? Yeah not many.


So as I shuffle down the line of 4 kids and realize how much time we spent doing things that really didn’t matter much in the long run… well I am rethinking things for the last two.

Can we all just revisit for a minute what is important?


Because this is time you don’t get back


So I am hear to tell you that it is ok if your kid isn’t playing every sport. Sports are great for teaching them how to be a team player, and of course to exercise their body. But after almost 18 years of being in the throw of it I am ready to back off a bit. It’s ok to have kids with more interests than sports. And at the end of the day it makes for a better paced life.


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  1. Jenn Breuklander | 28th May 15

    I needed this tonight! Thank you:))

  2. Jenny | 28th May 15

    Well said! Thanks!

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