
IMG_4932 My poor Zoey girl.  She really is pathetic.  Even with her jacket on she just can’t deal with the snow.  And then we all laugh at her because she can’t walk when it all balls up on her like this


I took her straight to the dog shower and had to soak her to melt her snow dingle-berries.

Right now Blake is sitting next to me playing the acoustic guitar- a medley of Green Day, Chili Peppers, Nirvana- I can’t tell you how cool it is to hear my son playing my fave bands.  Anyway, Zoey hates the guitar.  So she is laying next to me and growling the whole time.  We laugh at her about that too.  Poor girl.

Have I mentioned that Blake has started writing his own songs?  So so cool.


I have realized that I am not using this 365 project to improve my photography at all.  In fact I am going the other direction.  Because I am taking more shots, I tend to treat it like a point and shoot and just grab and shoot.  Oh well.


Today we took the kids to get their passports.  They had been playing outside it the snow so they are all a mess of hat heads.


I find that I am using the “Project Life” as less of a scrapbook and more of a place to put everyday things that tell our story.

Like my birthday cards from the boys


I have done a few pages of regular scrapbooking lately and it feels good!  To get the stories down before I forget them

Because I do.  Forget, that is.





when this happened today, Andy and I looked at each other and said, “crap”

IMG_4989 not good



There was some serious snow fort building going on in the front yard

IMG_4968 IMG_4971 the tongue out in concentration always cracks me up.  I do the same thing

IMG_4972 IMG_4978 IMG_4981 IMG_4984 And while this was going on, a girl sat at the door and watched

IMG_4938 She is not feeling 100%.  Some kind of stomach issue.

IMG_4946 And then look, a brother comes to say hello

IMG_4950 IMG_4948 IMG_4955 IMG_4952 And then another one

IMG_4954 IMG_4958 IMG_4956


And then Shiloh decided to kill her toy


IMG_4997 IMG_5001 IMG_5002 And then the boys went sledding and Eva and I stayed home to clean house.

That’s a wrap on our Saturday.

About The Author



  1. Kodi | 7th Feb 10

    So glad you’re posting pictures every day, I always look forward to logging on to your blog ( :

  2. Kodi | 7th Feb 10

    So glad you’re posting pictures every day, I always look forward to logging on to your blog ( :
    Oops, should say good post! Can’t wait to reading your next one!

  3. Meghan | 8th Feb 10

    We have the same devil. It’s been fixed many times.

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