Funny Dogs

My dogs are funny.

This one we call the princess because she doesn’t realize that she is a hound dog mutt that came from the humane society.  She won’t lay on the ground, only the table.


no, I didn’t put the towel there for her

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And this one, who can stand and have a staring contest all day with birds.




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  1. Tawni | 5th May 10

    hehe…love the pictures – especially the last one. Gave me a good desk giggle here. Love dogs. Love ’em

  2. Beth | 5th May 10

    What would we do without dogs? Our sweet Gracie (a 65 lb labradoodle) got “stuck” in our yard the other day. My husband planted some grass seed in the front, and roped the area off with some twine and stakes. The “fence” is about 6″ off the ground. She somehow got stuck inside (we think with a trip through the flowerbox) and could not get out without stepping over the “fence”. So, she sat there and whined and cried until I held the twine down for her to step over. (yes, she could very easily have just stepped over it) We constantly comment on how our lives would not be the same without her!

  3. Penny | 5th May 10

    Oh, I love your dogs! The first one is so funny on his towel! And the “bird dog” is great. We love our dogs too. We also have a Golden and her daughter, the Goldendoodle, who is about the funniest dog in the world!

  4. Penny | 5th May 10

    Oh, what are their names?

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