
Oh the first day back is always so hard, even if we weren’t gone that long. I miss Florida. Even though it is sunny and somewhat warm (hey 50 something is warm to us northerners) I miss flowers and green grass and “sharpy trees” as Cole likes to call them. Everything smelled good down there.


We took the kids to Universal Studios to see the new Harry Potter ride

Harry Potter Universal

Harry Potter Universal

Harry Potter Universal

They sold wands for $30. We didn’t buy one

Harry Potter Universal

Harry Potter Universal

The ride was very cool, well there were two rides but we only did one of them


Because of the girly- she couldn’t ride a whole lot


And the things she did ride she didn’t like. Austin and I were so afraid she was gonna puke on us. She’s a puker.


He’s 13, he likes to check in with friends- a lot. Plus he doesn’t like to ride a whole lot. Something about being scared of heights.


Which really wasn’t a bad thing because that meant I got to spend more time with him. I don’t like to ride roller coasters anymore either- those days are long gone.



Having multi-age kids is sometimes weird- but usually works out for the best, at least for us. Makes things easier. Andy informed me that most families that have kids a wide age range means the dad is on his 2nd marriage. Ha- I don’t believe it. Because I read way too many blogs that prove other wise. Like this one, and this one.
But it is a lot of work, and my family isn’t even as big as either of those. I do so love a big family though. I smile when I think of my kids growing up, getting married, having their own kids…..
And while our trip home from Florida was probably one of our most stressful (well not counting my NYC trip home- nothing tops that)- I am so proud of how well all my kids did. Multiple people commented on how well Eva was and Cole, well he found two women to sit with (we were all sitting apart) and he was in heaven. That kid can make friends like no one I know.


She fell asleep, and her daddy carried her everywhere.


With a backache the next day to prove it. Old man. I don’t think he believes me when I say kids keep you young.



But without these little people to drive him crazy? He wouldn’t know what to do with himself. He would say otherwise but really, he would get bored. I know he would.


And even though their schedules make me crazy (and I just hit record on the NBC nightly news so we can watch about kids being over scheduled), well I just can’t imagine it any other way. I love a busy house.


Right now my dogs are missing (still at the farm) and I am missing the three extra kiddos around here big time. Mostly because I have to clean up all the food that drops on the floor!!

Just kidding. I miss their sweet furry faces.


I see braces in his future…




Time just flies by way too fast. And short little get-a-ways like this are such a great way to reconnect. I am so glad that Andy makes it as much of a priority as I feel it needs to be. We are all so much better because of it.


One of the best parts of this trip was hooking up with my Aunt Jo and my cousin J


a reminder of why family is so important. My kids adore both of them. More on that tomorrow.

And Blake, well he had a headache. That happens when there are a lot of people around. lol


About The Author



  1. Tawni | 8th Mar 11

    You’re right 50 degrees this time of year is pure heaven :). I LOVE your pictures. Tell me what you shoot with again? Is nit Nikon? Cannon? What lenses? Settings?? I so wish we could get together to shoot…wouldn’t that be great. Maybe we will move east 😉

  2. LibraryGirl62 | 8th Mar 11

    I LOVE the Harry Potter rides (well…all roller coasters for that matter!)

    I have lived in Naples, Florida for going on 30 years. While I can never live in the North again, I miss the smell of fresh snow…for like one minute..then I miss the smell of the ocean.

  3. Teri | 9th Mar 11

    I love your family! I am the oldest of four with a large age span, and I was in college before anyone asked me if we had the same father. I was quite taken aback.

    I am glad that you got to get away and recharge. And a bit jealous.

    I need to know where you got Austin’s “War is Over” shirt.

  4. meg duerksen | 9th Mar 11

    my kids would love that harry potter ride!
    craig was just talking about florida.
    i may have to ask you about again sometime.
    i know i have in the past i think.

    i know just what you mean about a busy family.
    i love it.
    ball games and running around.
    it is great family time too.

    i have said it before….our husbands are very similar!

  5. Hannah | 9th Mar 11

    I agree…time goes too fast. I have always wanted a big family. It breaks my heart to think that I might not end up with a house full. It’s funny, people seem to assume my kids are from two different marriages or they think they are bio brother and sister.

    Jealous of your mini trip to Florida!!

  6. Melanie | 14th Mar 11

    Oh, I love all the pictures. The boys look like they had a great time. Kudos to you for going off with a large family. Being an only child and having an only child, I just can’t imagine:)

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