Brothers are good for

Big big pushes on the swing


Nobody can push as high as the middle brother



Nobody is as sweet (and crazy combined) as the youngest brother


The biggest brother was at lax practice- for some reason he is her current fave



This brother likes to spin her- which is a big no-no. While she laughs with delight while doing it, the second she stops she pukes. No spinning Eva is our rule, but of course he always tries.



I love this next one


Eva is going through a stage where she wants nothing in her hair- she pulls it out almost immediately.


I don’t know how it doesn’t drive her crazy to have her hair in her face. It makes me crazy.



Oh, almost forgot. I use my sewing machine to make the custom page protectors. Usually a zig-zag stitch but not always, and then cut them down. Most of the time I leave the top open just like a normal page protector unless it is something I know I won’t ever take out and then I just sew it up on both sides. If this doesn’t answer your question please let me know and I can do a step by step and show you exactly what I mean. Or… a quick search and I found Ali Edwards showing exactly how to do it- cool!

Stitching On Page Protectors from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.

About The Author



  1. azjenny | 10th May 11

    Thank you for answering the page protector question! Looks like I need to get a sewing machine. 🙂

  2. Hannah | 12th May 11

    We have a no spinning rule too, only it’s for Dmitry. He does the same thing and it is gross.

    Sophia is STILL in the phase of not wanting anything in her hair. It drives me crazy to see her sweaty and her hair stuck to her face.

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