How is it March already?

In some ways January and February were super slow and it some ways they flew by. Crazy. Ready for Summer and our new house!

We have had a mild winter but lots and lots of rain. Like way above average rain. So it’s been lots of couch snuggles with the dogs and lots of books getting read. If you are on Goodreads let’s connect! Always looking for good books to read. I just finished Where the crawdads sing. It was awesome.

Today was awesome but we are back to cooler temps and rain tomorrow. More books to be read and pups to snuggle.

About The Author



  1. Alicia | 11th Mar 19

    Hey! So excited to hear you loved Where the Crawdads Sing! I am the retail manager of a independent bookstore and I was lucky enough to read the advance copy of this last summer and I flipped out…I just knew it would be a big hit. Our store had such great sales of this book that we scored an author visit from Miss Owens! She was so lovely, kind and gracious and seemed completely overwhelmed by the success of this book.
    My newest favorite is Heresy by Melissa Lenhardt.

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