Fave Amazon Finds

The running joke around here has always been that Andy has an Amazon addiction. But ever since we moved (again) and built a house (again) I found it easier to get a lot of our stuff on Amazon as well.

I thought it might be fun to show what I have found lately that I love.

We have had the same pizza cutter for longer than we have had kids and it was getting wobbling and dull so I found this one and it is the best!

Kitchy Pizza Cutter Wheel

We are really trying to reduce plastics in our house and are slowing replacing them all with glass. I bought these glass containers with lids and use them all the time. They are perfect.

I am also super obsessed with the Ello brand and recently bought some of their meal prep storage containers. The colorful silicone on the outside of the glass is so fun.

Recently Andy broke our pyrex baking dish. We were heating something up in the microwave and put it in the sink. He turned on the cold water and it just exploded into a bajillion pieces. It was a mess trying to get all those pieces out of the garbage disposal! Anyway, I need a new one- thinking about getting this Ello baking dish. Way more fun than our old pyrex and it comes with a lid. Win/Win.

As my kids have gotten older it has been so much fun to sit down and play board games when we are all together. And now it’s more complex games. I should do a whole blog post on what my kiddos are into these days but this is one we bought last weekend when Austin and Taylor came to visit. It’s called Catan and it is about building civilizations.

Now that scrunchies have come back in I ordered these and now we have them in every color!

And last I have been using the same broken can opener for years and finally decided to buy a new one. I found this Kitchen Aid one in the perfect color!

I will stop there for today. Need to get Cole to school and hit Costco. That’s a whole ‘nother post!

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