
We are on day one of social distancing. We spent the last 4 days at the beach and came home last night. Blake is driving home from Florida after spending time with some friends. Not sure what is going to happen with Austin as he is currently teaching with City Year up in Ohio and even though school is cancelled he may still have to clock hours.

We are fortunate that our weather has been great and we can spend a lot of time outside. Some of us in the pool.

Yesterday I ordered some stuff to do on Amazon. I recently finished the puzzle that I posted a couple posts back so I ordered a few more

How fun is this one? Dogs love treats and I love dogs!

Austin got me a book with underwater dogs a couple years ago for Christmas. So this puzzle was a must!

And last who can resist the one of of a golden retriever on a potty? Not me.

I ventured out to the grocery store this morning and it was pretty picked over. No meats, no veggies, no eggs….

Fortunately I didn’t need a ton as I made a trip before we left for the beach so at least we have some fresh spinach on hand but no peppers 🙁 I love them for my omelettes.

My kids were of course thrilled about the schools closing. Eva said, “Yay I always wanted to be homeschooled!” I don’t mind having them around and Andy is very lucky that he can work from home. So we are going to lay low. It is supposed to be 84 here on Friday and I am thinking we will be getting in the pool. Crazy.

Because not too long ago we had a day of this

But it didn’t last.

I think Oakley was over it after a day

We went to look at Jeeps. We really miss the one we left behind in Ohio with Austin. We didn’t buy it. I forgot how uncomfortable they are lol.

Concert for one #corona

When your kids get older and you have to find other things to photograph or you will never pull out your big camera again

This squirrel on the upper deck was torturing the dogs

Friends from Ohio came down for a beach trip and I joined them for a few days. My first time to Emerald Isle.

Meanwhile back at home are these cuties.

Cole got a letter in the mail from Austin and it made me cry- here he is reading it

Seriously no idea what I did to deserve this kid. Hang on while I grab a tissue.

Eva still loves to swing. It’s so therapeutic for her.

We bought an air fryer and I tried my fave rosemary garlic potatoes. I don’t think I did it right because they didn’t turn out crispy like they do in the over. They looked so good going in…

Hope everyone is doing ok in this strange time. I am for sure going to look at the bright side of extra time with my family. 🙂

And pups.

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