Adios 2020

What a crazy year. In all the ways it was crazy it also feels like if flew by.

Winter break rolled around and it felt like more of the same, except the kids got a break from school and the older boys came home. Having the house full again is my fave part of breaks.

Austin brought his little 6 month old kitten so we had a house full of fur babies as well.

He was so fun to have around and we got a lot of laughs watching him and Blake’s cat Leo play and wrestle.

He likes to get up early like I do so we spent lots of mornings hanging out. His fave game is clearing everything off the counters and tables. Especially Eva’s advent calendar.

Oakley is still pretty scared of both cats so he kept his distance. lol

Lots of cookie making for the boys

Christmas morning I snuck downstairs to enjoy the calm before the crazy of opening presents

They were on the naughty list but they still got their gifts

The cats really liked the tree

I took one picture of the kids opening presents. It’s more fun to just watch and enjoy.

The cats loved the boxes the best.

And then it was time for a short trip over to the island

The weather was in the upper 50’s and sunny

Trying to get a pic of everyone was like herding cats


Lots of golf cart rides

Old Baldy lighthouse

And games on the beach

Talked on shells 🙂

Played a lot of music

Kids went to an outdoor restaurant for NYE

I spent a lot of time snuggling the latest addition

And just like that it was over. The day they leave is ALWAYS so hard for me. It seriously never gets easier. I cried most of the day. Heck I’m tearing up now.

But I still have Blake here for a couple more weeks and of course the younger two. I made come comfort food.

And settle in for some game time with the girly- who always wins 🙂

And now it’s back to routines. Work and online school. Hope everyone had a great winter break!

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