Since I get asked a lot of questions I thought I would post a few here just in case any one else was wondering too….

 What kind of camera do you use?

I use a Canon Digital Rebel- Love it!

Do you wholesale?

Probably my most frequently asked question and the one I struggle with the most.  At this point in time the answer is no and here’s why.

 I sell at a wholesale price on my website, if I went any lower this gig wouldn’t be worth my time.  If I wholesaled I would have to raise my prices to make  them consistent with the other stores and websites that were also selling my products.  I don’t want to do this, I would rather see more people be able to afford my goods.

So for right now, the only place you will be able to find ElisaLou products is through me.


Can I link to your site from blog?

Absolutely, as long as you don’t say anything mean like my kids are ugly or something like that!

That is all for now but this will probably be an on-going topic.


Have a great Tuesday

About The Author



  1. Tiel S-K | 22nd Aug 06

    Good for you about the wholesale decision. I too have struggled with this for the personalised artwork for children that I make. I’m happy with where I am at.

    I linked your blog to mine, promise not to say anything nasty about your kids or work! How could I?

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