Feels like Texas

I guess Mother Nature thought we might need a little example of what we will soon encounter when we head down to the Lone Star State.  90 degree temps just aren’t all that common up here and yet here it is May and the temp outside is, well, 90.  I actually don’t mind although Andy did tell me as he walking out the door today, “you might want to turn the a/c on today.”  Wimp.  I lived in a house in Austin with no a/c for two years.  110 degrees and no air!  I have to admit it really sucked.  But I hate closing the windows.  Hate it.  So on goes the attic fan and the dogs can just go lay under a tree.  I do admit to getting a little irritable when they (the dogs) breathe on me or the boys hang on me.  Too hot for that.  Good thing I cut off all my hair last night.  I showed my hairdresser a picture I saw on a photography blog and said please do this and she did.  Much much better.  (it’s the picture of woman on the side that says “blog”).  Of course it required thinning my hair up, which I LOVE to have done.  I have way too much hair.

Off to sew.  It’s downright cool in the basement!

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  1. Julie | 30th May 07

    Yeah, dare I tell you that in Texas today (at least in our neck of the woods) the high was actually 79????

  2. Susan | 31st May 07

    Julie is right, the local temps are nice (in theory) – but because of all the rain we have had the past few weeks, the humidity is about equal.

  3. Jordy | 1st Jun 07


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