
My “live in his own world” middle child is one of the sweetest kids I know.  But it doesn’t change the fact that he pretty much lives in his own world.  It’s a happy place, and those that know him well call it “Blakey World” and we all make jokes about how it would be great place to live.

SO the other day when I gave him money to hit the book fair at school I knew I was taking a chance.  I gave him $20, he came home with one $6 book.  I didn’t even think to ask him about the rest of the money until a day or two later.  He got a blank look on his face, he didn’t know.  He says he put 74 cents in the change jar.  Ok, so what about the other $13?

He offered up no info so I guessed that it fell out of his pocket.  He didn’t agree or disagree.  He asked for more money, I said no.  AND I was  mean and took the money that he lost out of his piggy bank.

Then yesterday (a week later) the truth comes out.  He felt sorry for his friend Thomas because Thomas had no money and so he split his money with him.  He said Thomas bought two books.  I asked if Thomas was going to tell his parents- Blake said he didn’t think so, he was keeping the books at school.

I gave him a lecture on telling me the truth, he never really lied but he also obviously knew what happened to the money and didn’t tell me.  He said he thought I would be mad. Honestly I didn’t really know how I felt about the whole thing.

The book fair is coming to an end so he asked if I would split the cost of one book with him, which would cost me $3.  I gave it to him.  He came home from school and said that one of his dollars fell out on the playground and he went over to pick up and some kid grabbed it.  Blake told him that it was his and the kid pushed him and ran away.  Since Blake is huge (and only a 2nd grader) I asked if he tried to get it back.  He said no, the kid was small- looked like he was in kindergarten.  He didn’t want to hurt him.

So today he went to school with more money, for the 3rd time. If he doesn’t come home with the book today that’s it.  I am throwing in the towel.

About The Author



  1. alison | 15th May 08

    how great would it be if we could all be in Blake’s world–a place where people are nice to each other.

  2. Katrine | 15th May 08

    You are raising a very kind boy!

  3. Elisa | 15th May 08

    Thank you for your nice words- he came home with the book today. A book about Roller Coasters of all things.

  4. Tracy Kiser | 15th May 08

    Blake is a kind and generous young man. His parents and brothers are way cool, too!

  5. Kim | 16th May 08

    Compassion-alot of people don’t know what that is. And here Blake is in grade 2 and it is coming natural to him.

  6. Susan | 16th May 08

    Roller Coasters?? I LOVE that guy. As you know, with the exception of The Hulk, I love those rides. Let’s go to Cedar Point!

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