Department Stores

So when is the last time you were in a department store?? For me it has been quite a while.

But the other day one of my friends told me about a store that had doc martens (maryjane style- my fave) on sale for twenty bucks. Twenty Bucks!
See I have three kinds of shoes that I like to wear- UGGS, J Crew flip flops, and Doc Martens. I’m easy that way.

The department store was empty except for an older lady playing the piano and an older couple taking a break from their shopping (I guess) snoozing on the couch next to the piano. The whole store smelled like 50 different kinds of perfume. I found the clearance shoes just knowing that they wouldn’t have any in my size (my friend has delicate dainty feet and I have big old size 9 flippers) but there they were- one pair left. I kicked off my uggs and tried them on to be sure and that’s when I realized, “hey don’t I have these shoes??” But I bought them anyway because I quickly realized that while I already have them, I bought them when I lived in Texas- and that was how long ago??? And while I could buy some shoe polish and make them black again (instead of all scuffed up) it was much easier to fork over the twenty. But I am lazy that way.

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  1. Julie | 27th Jan 09

    Don’t you love scoring deals like that? I got my Born sandals on sale from the REI website for $13. Oh that I could find all my shoes that way…

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