It’s a good thing I can laugh at myself

So I thought I had it all together. Andy is California but I got Blake all packed for 6th grade camp and had everything ready to go this morning.

I took Cole to school (too cold to walk) and then came home and picked up Austin. Ran him to his friends so he could go to school with them. Went to Starbucks and then went back home to make Blake change his shirt because he wore the same one yesterday (does he really think people won’t notice??)

I park at school and tell him to pull his big bag out and tell him to have fun at camp. I laugh with my neighbor that I am not getting out of the car because I am still in my pj’s. She makes fun of me.

I start to pull out of the parking lot watching Blake pull his stuff towards the bus and his bag explodes. I yell out the window for him to zip it. He can’t. A mom stops to help and she says the zipper is broke. I inwardly roll my eyes, yes I know one of the zippers broke (dog chewed it) but like most suitcases/duffel bags, it has TWO. Can you zip the other one? No, she says, it broke too. Sigh.

Fortunately my friend lives across the street from the school so I drive over there and she is pulling in from Starbucks.

She gets out of the car- wearing the same pj’s as I am (at least they are in a different color) and I tell her my problem. She grabs me a bag and we head back. So there we are, two of us in matching pj’s- unloading and reloading Blakes bag in front of all the other parents and teachers. Good times.

Good thing it was Blake, Austin would have been mortified.

A few iPhone pics

My cute beagle

Cole’s last football game

All four

Eva getting ready for a hockey game


One of Austin’s friends dressed as him (Austin) for Halloween

The girly pitched a fit before heading out trick or treating. She was being WILD and Andy told her to calm down and she lost it.

The other day we went to a party at a pumpkin patch and it started raining this weird slushy rain while we were there- we ran for cover.

And that’s all I’ve got! Happy Wednesday!

About The Author



  1. Amy Jo | 2nd Nov 11

    Oh my gosh…the picture of Austin’s friend dressed like him made me laugh out loud!

  2. Susan/Gramma | 2nd Nov 11

    Me too, Amy.

  3. kristen | 2nd Nov 11

    That is a GREAT story! Why didn’t you and your friend with the matching pjs make into an iphone pic? 😉 I’m so glad it all worked out!

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