
Yesterday morning I was chatting with one of my good friends in Austin. She recently went through a similar ordeal with buying their house. She knows how I feel. She has been there and done that with the temporary living and the urgent feeling to get settled.

Later when I got home from the gym I found this in my email inbox. As I started watching it I thought, “oh great another pep talk.” But then as it got to the 2nd part of the video I slowed down, took it in, and felt calm for the first time in weeks.

It’s worth a watch.

Thanks for sending this to me yesterday Amber. I miss you Chica.

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  1. Tiffany | 8th Mar 12

    Glad I watched…just perfect!


  2. Hannah | 9th Mar 12

    That was good. I was kind of like you, not sure if it was going to be worth it…but then it was 🙂 I love time elapse photography…I always love it 🙂

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