A quick trip to Brevard, NC

It’s crazy that it has been so many years since Austin was the one attending Brevard Distance Runners Camp with his East Chapel Hill high school team. And now it was Cole’s turn. We decided to make a weekend out of it for the 4 of us plus the dogs. We found a really cool spot to stay in that had a really great view.

It was such a great decision to go. Unfortunately Hudson hurt his back, or hips, or leg (the vet could not determine) right before we left when he was jumping to get the ball. So he and Oakley still went with us but they could not enjoy any of the hiking that we got to do.

The waterfalls were amazing. We hiked up to Turtleback Falls, I was surprised that even Eva hung in there without complaining. It was about 4 miles. Cole and Andy both slid down the falls into the big pool thing at the bottom. Eva and I just hung out on the rocks in the water.

We dropped Cole off at Brevard College for his week of camp and headed back to Chapel Hill. Waiting at home was this gorgeous succulent from one of our new neighbors.

I love it!!

Since we have been back we have been trying to soak up the rest of Summer. Which has been hot hot hot. That means pool time.

Eva came up with this banana/nutella concoction. She loves it!

The dogs have finally realized that the pool is here to stay and they want to be in it all the time. Fortunately it is fenced off from the rest of the backyard so they can’t get in it every time I let them out.

The pool makes for veery tired dogs 🙂

Austin sent this mermaid blanket to Eva but she doesn’t like mermaids anymore. She said she would use it because she loves him 🙂

Another neighbor stopped by and left flowers. Love them!

And now we start patiently waiting for the big brothers to arrive from Ohio. Andy drove up to move Blake down and Austin will a few days later. Can’t wait!

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